World Teachers Day: The Ones Who Conquered

World Teachers Day: The Ones Who Conquered

By: Sara Loft & Various Contributors

Someone who made mistakes.

Someone who became wiser.

Someone who broke something. 

Someone who created a better thing.

Someone who was once afraid. 

Someone who took the risk.

Someone who had no direction.

Someone who tried

and took charge. 

Someone who didn’t

have a guide.

Someone who learned

a way to succeed.

Someone who felt

down and small.

Someone who uplifted

and carried on.

Someone who has the ability to teach others is a precious gift to humanity! Every year on October 5th, it is World Teacher’s Appreciation Day. Here is a

A couple shout outs from Team Your Bliss

on their favorite teachers!

Sara Loft: In 1997-1998, I had the best 3rd grade teacher. Mrs. Beth Carey at Clinton Street Elementary in the West Seneca Central School District. She helped students (including me) foster their interpretation of a poem that stuck with me - forever. It was Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken. She was amazed by my deep insight into Frost’s symbolism. Her encouragement shaped my individuality and artistry combined. I had other great teachers but this occurrence dictates a monumental part of my life to this current day.”

Katy Defazio: My experience dates back to my recently retired college professor, Stan Friesen, who I received an education from in 2013 to 2016. Stan was a graphic design professor at Buffalo State University for many years, forever changing the way I look at the world around me. Professor Friesen always had a positive, enlightening attitude, and taught me more about the world of graphic design in my first semester of my BFA than I had learned in my life, so far. Stan, I’m glad we still stay connected to this day, and I’m grateful for all that you’ve caught me at Buffalo State University.

Rachael Bannen: When thinking of who to shout out, one of the first teachers to come to mind is one of my high school studio art teachers. Not only did he bring interesting projects to the table to inspire us, but he also embraced creativity and thinking outside of the box.  Will always have appreciation for how the projects given were probably my biggest step in thinking creatively and growing in creating artwork. Lastly, he created a great environment for students to work and thrive in.

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